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June Message
Published on Jun 3, 2016 20:21

The last month of the school year is upon us and it has been a rewarding year for all.

On June 28th, your child will be receiving his/her Report Card. Please remember that this is a snapshot of how they did during the last term of the year.

Please take the time to discuss the report card with your child. If there are any concerns, please contact your child’s teacher for clarification. By working together, we can use this last report as a stepping stone for next year. Please remember to fill in page 3 of the report and have it sent back to school before the end of the school year.

This month, the students and the staff will continue putting forth their best efforts as they work on finishing up assignments. With the warm weather, students will be inclined to be outside. We are counting on you, the parents, to remind your children of the importance of taking the time to complete homework properly. I want to thank the parents who have used the 'kiss and drop' appropriately. I have noticed less traffic in our small parking lot and I want you to know I appreciate your support. Thank you for allowing our buses to enter and exit the school parking lot in a safe manner. As you know we are a growing community and the safety of your children is our first concern.

Please take the time to mark your calendars for upcoming events:

June 7- Last day for Grade 6 EQAO

June 8- Track and Field gr.4-8

June 9 - Liturgy

June 10- Spring Fling

June 13-Tiffin Trip gr.4-8

June 16-Volunteer Tea 2:00-3:00pm

June 16 -Gr. 8 School Trip-Niagara Falls

June 20-Track and Field Meet in Bradford

June 24-Tiffin Trip Kindergarten -gr.3

June 28-Report Cards go home

June 28-Grade 8 Graduation 6:30-10:00

June 29-Last Day of School